Divi Yoga Studio
Nunc consequat justo eget enim finibus porta. Suspendisse orci nunc, rutrum quis nunc sed.

Online Classes Yoga with Serena in Spain
The benefits of a online Yoga and meditation class with Serena are incredible. she creates classes to target those aches and pains to build strength and flexibility whilst still nourishing to your mind and soul. It is a wonderful way to start your day no matter where in the world you might be. Her expertise and knowlege of the body and energy will guide you in a practise that will help you reach that inner balance we all desire.

Love, love, love our live yoga online classes.
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Love, love, love our live yoga online classes. We have the wonderful Serena teaching every day and it is fantastic to be able to keep our yoga routine going and of course to see Serena and everyone else every day during our lockdown. I love EVERY class. A great variety each day which really puts the body through a physical and mental challenge. I love to see and feel the improvement each week. For me the shoulder work has been especially beneficial as I have greatly improved the flexibility of my shoulders. Serena’s smile each morning and the interaction with all the other yogis is the “light” though these difficult times. A joy to participate in each morning. A huge thank you to Serena for all the hard work, the love and dedication she gives to us all. Namaste
Mary and Noel Geoghegan
Yoga classes via zoom means I have yoga wherever I am – at the touch of a button.
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Yoga classes via zoom means I have yoga wherever I am – at the touch of a button. These yoga classes help me start my day feeling good about myself, have increased my flexibility, reduced stress levels, and have greatly improved my quality of life during lockdown, also helps me connect to myself on a deeper level. Serena you are such a joy and so positive and caring and so professional. I always look forward to seeing your smiling happy face. May these yoga classes continue into the future so that we can connect with your yoga class anywhere. We are blessed to be part of your yoga family. Thank you.
What a joy it has been through these weeks of the State of Alarm to be able to do yoga classes through zoom.
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What a joy it has been through these weeks of the State of Alarm to be able to do yoga classes through zoom. I actually found I was managing to do more classes than usual, despite still working full time. Serena of the Five Elements Centre kept an eye on us all the time through the camera and commented if we needed to correct something. The class was brilliant online and the great thing is it does not matter where you are, you can take advantage of classes by a fantastic and experienced teacher at a very reasonable price. Highly recommended
During lockdown I have been doing an online yoga class with Serena Morris. It’s been of great benefit to me health and mind wise.
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During lockdown I have been doing an online yoga class with Serena Morris. It’s been of great benefit to me health and mind wise. In particular to have contact with our teacher and to see and hear the other Yogi’s whilst confined to home during the Covid-19.
The benefits of the online classes have brought people who otherwise would not have been able to exercise or see anyone outside of their home, together everyday. In addition being able to do this in ones own home without travelling opens up a world of yoga that anyone and everyone everywhere can participate in together and enjoy.
I experience a presence and an availability with yoga online
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I experience a presence and an availability with yoga online
Feels like you, Serena, despite the online, are watching us?
I enjoy the online classes with you, as it still feels personal as its a live session but you get the convenience of being able to do it at home.
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I enjoy the online classes with you, as it still feels personal as its a live session but you get the convenience of being able to do it at home.
I really enjoy them and feel I’ve improved loads bring able to do yoga at home- especially during lockdown.
Myself and my daughter have been attending superb online yoga classes with Serena via Zoom.
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Myself and my daughter have been attending superb online yoga classes with Serena via Zoom. Not only have they allowed us to practice but also she generates a real sense of community with everyone who attends. A massively positive experience during this lockdown
O Briens
I love yoga classes with Serena because firstly she is the one of the nicest, genuine persons I have ever met.
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I love yoga classes with Serena because firstly she is the one of the nicest, genuine persons I have ever met. She makes a person feel good about themselves no matter how they do feel. After each class I definitely feel better in myself than before the class start. Positivity oozes from Serena.
One thing about Serena is she listens to everybody’s problems/ailments and makes you feel like you are the only person that matters in that moment. The other thing about the yoga classes online is that we all get to see each other and have a quick chat before class begins. The social contact is still there and that was so important for me during the last 2 months. I loved going to my yoga classes with Serena and there was a great camaraderie there. I really missed that over the last few months, but zoom online class is the next best thing. So Serena a BIG THANK YOU for everything you have done to help us.
I want every one to know how lucky for me is that you are in my life.
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I want every one to know how lucky for me is that you are in my life.
I am a long term sufferer with ME and fibromyalgia also my depression (mild).
As with the online yoga you had help me to get to this point of energy and well being.
The meditation and yoga all together play a great part on my health and attitude towards, my frustrations with the unpredictable of ME illness that limit my energy affecting my mental health, in every day of my life.
Thank you so much for all your help, specially at this so difficult times with the C-19
Serena’s Zoom yoga is just like being in class with her.
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Yoga always makes me feel better in every way and I would say, without any hesitation, that Serena’s yoga class is a 10/10 experience, both online and in person.
Have a good weekend and see you next week.
I really look forward to my class I try to do 3 or 4 and it sets me up for the day feel much better relaxed and helps me mentally.
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I really look forward to my class I try to do 3 or 4 and it sets me up for the day feel much better relaxed and helps me mentally. Don’t know how we would have got through this without you luv
Að geta verið heima í stofu og opna tölvuna og þar er besti yoga kennari í heim tilbúin til að leiðbeina og tala þig til í yoga stöður.
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Að geta verið heima í stofu og opna tölvuna og þar er besti yoga kennari í heim tilbúin til að leiðbeina og tala þig til í yoga stöður. Kom á óvart hvernig maður gleymir sér í að njóta .Dagurinn verður bara allur betri
Serena could not have a more fitting name, her calm and professional instruction is comprehensive and complete giving me assurance that she is completely in control.
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Serena could not have a more fitting name, her calm and professional instruction is comprehensive and complete giving me assurance that she is completely in control. I enjoy every class as much as when I am in the room with her and look forward to seeing her and my zoom buddies at each and every session.
Love and peace my friend, namaste
We enjoy our online meetings, easy to follow.
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We enjoy our online meetings, easy to follow. Although I miss personal touch and your sincere hugs. Keep up the good work. See you again soon.
Love and peace my friend, namaste
Mary Streeter
I have totally enjoyed my online yoga classes with our wonderful Serena during lockdown
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I have totally enjoyed my online yoga classes with our wonderful Serena during lockdown, it has given me a purpose each morning and has helped my body and mind. Namaste.
Great shoulder workout. My right shoulder (which is my bad one) is just about fully on floor right down to fingers when on side cactus arm press.
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Great shoulder workout. My right shoulder (which is my bad one) is just about fully on floor right down to fingers when on side cactus arm press.
My left one is now where near there yet….but it is getting better.
Thank you again for all be wonderful classes.
Have a great day and see you tomorrow.
Lots of love.
I want to let you know how much I have appreciated your online yoga sessions during this unusual time of lockdown.
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I want to let you know how much I have appreciated your online yoga sessions during this unusual time of lockdown.
I live alone, & your sessions have been my saviour, in terms of the obvious physical benefits, but also mentally, as I feel so much more motivated and energised after the class (even if I wasn’t beforehand!).
I have loved coming to your classes since I moved to Spain 18 months ago, and I am so thankful that I found you, especially now! The online sessions have felt almost like being together in the studio with lots of friendly faces!.
Thank you so much for keeping my mind & body going during these weeks of lockdown, you truly are an angel!.
Recommended 100%
With the difficult times that we are all facing, Serena pulled out all the stops, and with careful research, saved us with Zoom!
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With the difficult times that we are all facing, Serena pulled out all the stops, and with careful research, saved us with Zoom!
We were all missing our yoga, but now we have it back every week day, twice a day some days. Serena is caring, attentive teacher and from her multi screen can still direct us when she sees an incorrect pose.
The advantage of on line lessons, of course, is phenomenal, it’s international. Meaning the part time residents/holiday visitors here in Spain, are able to continue with their favourite teacher when they return to their own homes.
Mary Barry
My online yoga classes with Serena Morris have been a wonderful addition to my life.
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My online yoga classes with Serena Morris have been a wonderful addition to my life. Initially when I started the classes they were a ray of light in what to me were dark scary lockdown days. The classes started at 9am UK time and I thought first, not sure I can do this but after the first class I was hooked. They gave me a sense of purpose to my day I woke early to prepare myself, showered and dressed, sorted my bedroom and clicked on.
As the weeks went on I felt the benefits I seemed less anxious about the pandemic. I used my yoga prayer or affirmation for whatever was bothering me at that time and felt secure in that because I was so enjoying my yoga experience my prayers and affirmations were being heard.
Also by seeing Serena on the screen doing the yoga poses and watching her I could better improve my own. Yoga has helped me physically too in that my body has toned up and despite being in lockdown for 10 weeks I haven’t put on any weight. I hope when we are all safe again that Serena can continue with some online classes.
These are the perfect classes for promoting well being through yoga for us mere mortals who don’t want an overpowering or intimidating experience.
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These are the perfect classes for promoting well being through yoga for us mere mortals who don’t want an overpowering or intimidating experience. Serena holds inspiring, friendly sessions that are enjoyable for all abilities and they provide a complete body and mind workout through the course of the week
The yoga classes from Serena help me through these uncertain times wherever I am.
I love Serena’s online classes.
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I love Serena’s online classes. Every day is a different routine but I always feel relaxed and refreshed after each class. She also reminds us about how to breathe through the moves and that is helpful too. I am actually doing more yoga now than I was before the pandemic hit. I am so grateful for Serena’s online classes.
Lynn Day
I have been taking part in Serena’s yoga classes since lockdown
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I have been taking part in Serena’s yoga classes since lockdown, I can honestly say it’s saved my sanity ! I take at least four classes a week including the relaxing meditation on Friday afternoon, what a wonderful way to start the weekend ? Serena’s loving kindness and calmness always make her classes a joy, nice to see the faces of the other Yoginis on screen too